Your challenge with our solution

Expand globally with a trusted sales partner

Your challenge with our solution

  1. Your company is producing leading edge primary and secondary packaging equipment 
  2. You want to grow your top line through international expansion in new markets
  3. salesbuzz’ter is your outsourced sales partner to promote and sell your equipment and to establish the after-sales service in new markets
Your cost-effective expansion partner

Your international sales expansion at reasonable cost

Your management attention is optimized – salesbuzz’ter takes over the hassle of market prospection

You have no need to establish a foreign subsidiary

salesbuzz’ter :

  • is focused on sales execution & after-sales support
  • sales experts are from the industry and know the markets
  • has access to an international network – HQ in Switzerland and 5 international subsidiaries
  • works in a transparent way – meetings, leads and purchasing orders are traceable
  • has a track record of over 10 years experience